
TUT Engineering Courses

TUT Engineering Courses

TUT Engineering Courses, welcome to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment. We aim to provide relevant quality-driven professional career education of an international standard. We also strive to be student- and stakeholder-centred and quality driven in everything we do. We offer a portfolio of relevant, recognised and career-focused programmes that are locally relevant and internationally recognised.


​We produce well-rounded and socially responsible graduates attuned to the needs of the industry and the economy in an environment conducive to teaching and learning with technology. Being a research and innovation hub, we are responsive to challenges of the country and continent in clearly defined areas of strength. Our faculty generate, integrate and apply knowledge to stimulate socio-economic development by partnering with communities and industries in sustainable development.



Contact Details


Faculty Marketer

Name: Zelda Janse van Rensburg
Tel: +27 12 382 5250

Executive Secretary

Name: Zanele Sibiya
Tel: +27 12 382 5120

TUT Contact Centre

Tel: 086 110 2421
SMS Number: 41478 (New sms number from 1 January 2018: 30655)