
TUT Prospectus 2018

TUT Prospectus 2018

TUT Prospectus 2018, all the necessary information about the Tshwane University Technology are provided in the prospectus. Below is the prospectus for the 2018 academic year.



Please Note:

1. Although the information in this Prospectus has been compiled as accurately as possible, the Council accepts no responsibility for any inaccuracies in this publication. This Prospectus is valid for 2018 only.


2. Life Orientation and an achievement level of 1 in a subject are not considered in the calculation of the Admission Point Score (APS).

3. Prospective students will not be admitted to any qualification without prior evaluation.

4. The indicated non-refundable administration fee and certified copies of your identity document, Senior Certificate/National Senior Certificate and all other relevant documents must accompany the completed application form or online application.

5. The closing date for applications for admission to first-semester and year programmes is 31 July of the preceding year, except for certain programmes and international applicants of which the closing date is 15 June. The closing date for selected second-semester programmes is 15 May of the year concerned.


6. A student must complete a qualification at the learning site where he/she was accepted and is registered. A transfer between sites will only be allowed if the student follows the following process:

  • A formal request must be submitted to the academic manager/Head of the Department on the current learning site before the second Friday in May (to be considered for transfer in July of the same year) or the second Friday in October (to be considered for a transfer in January of the following year). The request must contain the reasons for the transfer.
  • A committee will meet shortly after each of the closing dates for submissions to consider every request on merit, keeping in mind the availability of space and the adherence to enrolment quotas on respective learning sites. Students will be informed of the outcome.
  • Important: TUT admission requirements for entry-level programmes adhere to national legislation and therefore the following are required:
  •  BEd degrees: at least four subjects at performance level 4.
  •  National Diplomas: at least four subjects at performance level 3.
    Please verify specific and additional requirements per programme as indicated in the Prospectus.