
TUT Short Courses

TUT Short Courses

TUT Short Courses, Short learning programmes are one of the most vibrant features of South Africa’s education and training system. TUT provides you with an opportunity to study in your field of interest in a quick, easy, and affordable manner. We offer a range of short learning programmes that you can study part-time or full time, which will be updated on a regular basis. 


Arts Entrepreneurship

​This programme is designed to provide capacity building in entrepreneurship, financial management, strategic planning, leadership, intellectual property management and practical instruction for starting and growing their small arts, cultural and creative businesses. In addition, it will offer a platform to help participants understand and fulfil the compliance requirements of specific cultural/creative sector financiers, as well as increase their skills and knowledge around pitching and business presentation.

Who should attend the short course?

  • ​The short course will be valuable to individuals who need to build capacity for starting and growing their small arts, cultural and creative businesses.​
  • University graduates who wish to pursue entrepreneurship within arts, cultural and creative industries.
  • Arts and cultural industry practitioners​ and administrators.

Admission Requirements

It is assumed that the participant registering for this programme has at least an NQF level 4 qualification and/or relevant experience in managing an art, cultural and creative enterprise and learned to read, interpret and produce detailed artistic projects.​



About Emerging Management Development Programme

The National School of Government (NSG) has been established to develop “a professional, responsive and capable public sector”. As part of its mission, NSG collaborates with higher education institutions in South Africa, and the Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) is one of them. NSG has partnered with TUT in the ​delivery of Emerging and Advanced Development Management Programmes. These programmes were approved by Senate as credit bearing Short Learning Programmes (SLP). Their articulation routes are the National Diploma and B Tech in Public Management, respectively.
The involvement of TUT in the delivery of these programmes for the NSG gives the University an opportunity to directly make a contribution towards building the capacity of the state. This is beyond the monetary benefit of third-stream income. The partnership asserts TUT’s competitive edge in the knowledge market. It profiles its capacity as a national asset which exists for the public good. The articulation arrangements are structured to attract experienced government officials to, upon completion of the programmes, further their studies with the University. This gives TUT an opportunity to attract matured students into its mainstream programmes. The University’s association with NSG further assists  in curricula development endeavours, where contextual relevance of its instructional programmes is assured.

About Environmental Management Inspectors

​​The Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) and the Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA), the South African Institute of Environmental Health (SAIEH), the Department of Health (DoH) and the Tshwane University of Technology – Department of Environmental Health (TUT) signed a memorandum of understanding mandating TUT to proceed with the offering of a short learning programme to capacitate practising Environmental Health Practitioners (EHP) to be appointed as Environmental Management Inspectors (EMIs).

​In terms of section 31G of the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA), the function of an EMI is to monitor and enforce compliance with a law for which he or she has been designated. The undertaking of compliance and enforcement activities forms a critical component of implementing the NEMA and the specific environmental management Acts (SEMAs), and is an executive function allocated to national, provincial and local organs of state according to the Constitution. The short learning programme (SLP) will be offered within the Centre for Environmental Health at TUT.​​


