
TUT Traffic Courses

TUT Traffic Courses

TUT Traffic Courses, Students who intend to enrol for this qualification for the first time in 2017 or thereafter, should note that it will not be possible to continue with any Baccalaureus Technologiae as from 2020, since it is being replaced by qualifications aligned with the newly-implemented Higher Education Qualification Sub-Framework. Potential students are advised to consult the University’s website for any new qualifications which might not be published in this Prospectus.



Admission requirement(s):

– Applicants who intend to enrol as full-time day-class students: a Senior Certificate or anequivalent qualification, with English at Higher Grade (D symbol) and two other subjects at Higher Grade, one of which (excluding English) with a D symbol.
– Applicants who are employed full-time: a Senior Certificate or an equivalent qualification. Proof of employment (in the form of a valid appointment certificate) should accompany the application form.


Selection criteria:
Swedish formula.
English, Mathematics and Physical Science:

HG           SG                              Points
A                                                  9
B               A                                 8
C               B                                 7
D              C                                 6
E               D                                 5
F               E                                 4
F                                  3


All other subjects:
HG                                  SG                          Points
A                                                                     7
B                                     A                             6
C                                     B                             5
D                                     C                             4
E                                     D                             3
F                                     E                              2
F                               1
Maximum points that can be obtained: 48.
Applicants who score 24 or more points (for a maximum of six subjects) according to the formula for academic merit will be considered.


Admission requirement(s):
A National Senior Certificate with a bachelor’s degree or a diploma endorsement, or an equivalent qualification with an achievement level of at least 3 for English (home language or first additional language) and 3 for Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy.

Selection criteria:
To be considered for this qualification, applicants must have an Admission Point Score (APS) of at least 20.

Assessment procedures:
No further assessment will be done. Applicants who achieve the minimum APS will be considered until the programme complement is full.

b. Minimum duration:
Three years.

c. Presentation:
– Soshanguve South Campus (day and block-mode classes). The block-mode classes will only be offered to students who are employed on a full-time basis.
– Distance education with limited contact classes per subject per semester at Cape Town or Durban service points.

d. Intake for the qualification:
January only.

e. Exclusion and readmission:
See Chapter 2 of Students’ Rules and Regulations.

f. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), equivalence and status:
See Chapter 30 of Students’ Rules and Regulations.

g. Subject credits:
Subject credits are shown in brackets after each subject.


The subject codes of the distance education subjects differ from the codes indicated below. Please consult the distance education Prospectus for these codes.

CODE                          SUBJECT                                                                        CREDIT                                             PREREQUISITE SUBJECT(S)
TFM101T                    Traffic Systems Management I                                   (0,250)
                                    plus three of the following subjects:
MIO101T                    Municipal Policing I                                                      (0,250)
PUK101T                    Public Sector Management I                                       (0,250)
RMM101T                  Road Traffic Management I                                         (0,250)
STL101T                     Selective Traffic Law Enforcement I                          (0,250)
TOTAL CREDITS FOR THE FIRST YEAR:                                                   1,000


CODE                                                                       SUBJECT                                                  CREDIT                                       PREREQUISITE SUBJECT(S)
TFM201T                                                                 Traffic Systems Management II            (0,250)                                         Traffic Systems Management I
                                                                                plus three of the following subjects:
MIO201T                                                                  Municipal Policing II                               (0,250)                                        Municipal Policing I
PUK201T                                                                   ublic Sector Management II                  (0,250)                                        Public Sector Management I
RMM201T                                                                Road Traffic Management II                  (0,250)                                        Road Traffic Management I
STL201T                                                                    Selective Traffic Law Enforcement II   (0,250)                                        Selective Traffic Law
Enforcement I
TOTAL CREDITS FOR THE SECOND YEAR:                                                                        1,000


CODE                                                                                 SUBJECT                                 CREDIT                                     PREREQUISITE SUBJECT(S)
TFM301T                                                                               Traffic Systems Management III   (0,250)                                     Traffic Systems Management II
plus three of the following subjects:
MIO301T                                                                               Municipal Policing III                      (0,250)                                    Municipal Policing II
PUK301T      Public Sector                                                  Management III                               (0,250)                                       Public Sector Management II
RMM301T                                                                              Road Traffic Management III        (0,250)                                   Road Traffic Management II
TRC301T                                                                                Traffic Criminology III                    (0,250)                                    Selective Traffic Law
Enforcement II
TOTAL CREDITS FOR THE THIRD YEAR:                                                                                  1,000
TOTAL CREDITS FOR THE QUALIFICATION:                                                                          3,000




The syllabus content is subject to change to accommodate industry changes. Please note that more detailed syllabus is available at the Department or in the study guide that is applicable to a particular subject. On 27 September 2017, the syllabus content was defined as follows:
MUNICIPAL POLICING I (MIO101T)                                                                                        1 X 3-HOUR PAPER
MUNICIPAL POLICING II (MIO201T)                                                                                      1 X 3-HOUR PAPER
MUNICIPAL POLICING III (MIO301T)                                                                                    1 X 3-HOUR PAPER
(Subject custodian: Department of Safety and Security Management)
An orientation in the municipal police environment during which the officer develops personal competencies in executing crime prevention and the enforcement of traffic legislation and municipal by-laws. At the tactical level, students are introduced to the combating of crime and crime prevention within public safety programmes. Roadside inspections, speed law enforcement, overloading control, alcohol- and drug-related offences, etc. are dealt with at this level. The planning processes, the management of information, resources (finance, equipment, manpower) and logistics for crime prevention, the road traffic environment and municipal by-lawsare dealt with at the managerial level. At the strategic level, attention is given to public safety programmes and the identification and drawing up of policies and projects to resolve issues, such as dis.

PUBLIC SECTOR MANAGEMENT I (PUK101T)                                                                 1 X 3-HOUR PAPER
PUBLIC SECTOR MANAGEMENT II (PUK201T)                                                               1 X 3-HOUR PAPER
PUBLIC SECTOR MANAGEMENT III (PUK301T)                                                             1 X 3-HOUR PAPER
(Subject custodian: Department of Safety and Security Management)
An outcomes-based application of the fundamentals of public sector management. This will enable students to understand the complexity of the public sector and to apply the requirements for effective and efficient service delivery to the different levels of management. Aspects that will be covered over a four-year period include ethics, team-building, leadership, stress management, media communication, roles and responsibilities of supervisors and managers, financial management and strategic and technical planning. (Total tuition time: not available).

ROAD TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT I (RMM101T)                                                                 1 X 3-HOUR PAPER
ROAD TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT II (RMM201T)                                                               1 X 3-HOUR PAPER
ROAD TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT III (RMM301T)                                                              1 X 3-HOUR PAPER
(Subject custodian: Department of Safety and Security Management)
An orientation in the traffic environment during which the officer develops personal competencies in the management of the Road Traffic Act, 1996 (Act No. 93 of 1996) . At the tactical and managerial levels, students are introduced to problem identification, the management of traffic, traffic-related audits and quality control models. Projects are planned and executed, based on project management principles. At the strategic level, the
emphasis is on national strategies, such as pedestrian management plans, the manager’s input in determining such strategies and the development of policies and implementation strategies for the tactical and operational levels. (Total tuition time: not available).

SELECTIVE TRAFFIC LAW ENFORCEMENT I (STL101T)                                                        1 X 3-HOUR PAPER
(Subject custodian: Department of Law)
Students will be taught the following topical issues relevant to the subject: introduction to South African law with emphasis on the South African traffic laws. Some aspects of the 1996 Constitution and the principles of Constitutionalism. Some aspects of criminal law, principles of criminal liability and justification (defence) of criminal liability. The concept of law and the various division of law (will be emphasised). Different forms of intentions. The difference between “mistake of law” and “mistake of fact”. Some aspects of criminal procedures (pre-trial, trial and post-trial procedures). Methods of securing attendance of accused in court and many topical issues relevant to the syllabus but not necessarily mentioned here. (Total tuition time: ± 92 hours)

SELECTIVE TRAFFIC LAW ENFORCEMENT II (STL201T)                                               1 X 3-HOUR PAPER
(Subject custodian: Department of Law)
Students will be exposed to more details of laws relevant to the subject. Specific offences in terms of Road Traffic legislation; definition and legal meaning of the following terms: driver, motor vehicle, driving a motor vehicle without a license, speeding. Implications and types of offences in the event of an accident: reckless or negligent driving, inconsiderate driving, driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs having
narcotic effect, occupying the driver’s seat of a motor vehicle of which the engine is running, driving a vehicle while concentration of alcohol in blood is more than prescribed maximum concentration. Students will also be exposed to other offences in terms of the National Road Traffic Act, 1996 (Act No. 93 of 1996) and additional offences in terms of the Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 (Act No. 51 of 1977) – defeating or obstructing the course of justice, contempt of court, perjury, subornation and perjury, conflicting statements under oath. Corruption. Law of Evidence (definition and content of Law of Evidence, important concepts used in the application of the Law of Evidence, types of evidence and many topical issues relevant to the syllabus but not necessarily mentioned here). (Total tuition time: ± 92 hours)

TRAFFIC CRIMINOLOGY III (TRC301T)                                                                                  1 X 3-HOUR PAPER
(Subject custodian: Department of Safety and Security Management)
The objective is to focus on the inappropriate handling of road traffic offences, as well as on any activities undertaken for one’s own gain, such as bribery and misconduct. The emphasis is also on the development and implementation of measures to limit such offences. (Total tuition time: not available) Prospectus 2018 – Faculty of Humanities 5
TRAFFIC SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT I (TFM101T)                                                             1 X 3-HOUR PAPER
TRAFFIC SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT II (TFM201T)                                                           1 X 3-HOUR PAPER
TRAFFIC SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT III (TFM301T)                                                          1 X 3-HOUR PAPER
(Subject custodian: Department of Safety and Security Management)
An introduction to the traffic fraternity’s role-players and their internal relationships in the engineering, enforcement, education and logistical disciplines. The principles and objectives in the various sub-management systems, such as registration and licensing, policing and accident management, receive detailed attention at both the tactical and operational levels. At the strategic level, attention is given to the identification of strategies for road traffic disaster management, the development of management structures and implementation plans etc. (Total tuition time: not available)
